November 2nd, 2020
Virus Alert via Electronic Mail
Virus Alert via E-Mail: we have detected spam e-mails which are containing virus have been sent by using information such as our company’s name, address, e-mail address, telephone and fax number, titled as “Isbank Odeme Onaylama” and the issue has been transferred to legal authorities. We report that the e-mails mentioned above have nothing to do with our company, not sent by our company and there is no security issues caused by our company. We strongly recommend that such e-mails are not to be trusted. In case if the e-mail has reached your mailbox, please do not open it for your own safety and delete it from your mailbox immediately.
Satış Ofisi
Acıbadem Mahallesi,
Çeçen Sokak 25,
A Kule Blok, D120, K23
34660 Üsküdar,
İstanbul • Türkiye
phone +90 216 510 3300